Advertisement in Wall 4.9

Price 800 $
Social network Wall is very important and watching feature, which can be used as advertising platform. We are created ultimate interface for managing such ads from admin panel or from user interface. 1 more opportunity for your site monetization, allow to create user paid ads in wall.Allow 4 types of ads: Javascript, Embed, Image, Sponsored post. Works good with google adsence. Many settings and multilanguages.


  • Admin add wall ads
  • User add wall ads (admin approve)
  • Ad showing after any number post. (after each 2 post or etc). View more->continue showing ad.
  • 4 formats ads - Javascript, Embed, Image, Sponsored post
  • Works good with google adsence or any javascript ad provider
  • Paid ad (Emoney plugin required)
  • Pay for click or per time 3 periods (Emoney plugin required)
  • Admin Preapproved feature
  • Promotion widget
  • Counting Views, Clicks, CTR
  • Member level settings
  • Global settings with cost and ads settings.
  • Admin can disable ad for admin user level.
  • All phrases translatable
  • Works good, as free ads with approve from admin panel, without Emoney plugin.

Demo Links

(test user: pass: 123456)

Compatible versions

 Starts with socialengine 4.2+ (has been tested with 4.9 and latest version of socialengine!)


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