Questions Pro 4.9

Price 39 $
Search for an easy way to help people or get advice from others? It is easy than a breath with our new plugin Questions Pro! You can share your experience with with your friends. Or can get some help in question you don't know. In no time your users create large database of knowledge that any user can use in any time so your network will be very attractive. Questions Pro provide tools for easy control and organize questions and answers. You can create featured questions so all of you users will see that on the top of a list. Tag and Subscribe system allow users to get questions that interest for them.


  • Create questions
  • Similar question on create page - so your users will get answer before thay actualy ask question
  • Add Poll - users can add poll for your question
  • Answer on questions
  • Sort answers by votes and date
  • Best answer - author of a question can set answer as a Best
  • Organize question by tag
  • Attachments - if your users want to ask with images or something like this
  • Featured questions (require E-Money)
  • Subscribe to a user
  • Subscribe to a tag
  • Manage subscribes - easy way to control and manage your subscribes
  • Points - your users will get points by asnwers on question
  • Widget Top users - most active users in your network
  • Widget AddThis - share questions or answers with whole world
  • Widget Tag cloud - cloud of a popular video tags
  • Widget Top tag - most used tags
  • Widget User answers - recent answers from user
  • Widget User questions - recent answers from user

Demo Links

(test user: pass: 123456)

Compatible versions

 Starts with socialengine 4.2+ (has been tested with 4.9 and latest version of socialengine!)


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