SocialEnginePro Core 4.9.0

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SocialEnginePro Core module is Free module for socialengine and is required for all our plugins. It contains the functions needed to run our plugins and for ease viewing and upgrading our products. Also it included 4 great widgets: Header menu with MORE button and Ajax-based friends widget, AddThis Widget, Mobile Promo Widget, Language Widget just like on Facebook.


  • Header menu with MORE button and Ajax-based friends widget: adding More button and shows in dropdown menu which didn't fit in 1 line. You may control how items in menu you would like to show. Ajax-based friends functions shows you friends and their status (online/offline) similar to Netlog.
  • AddThis Widget - you may place Facebook, Twitter and others share buttons on any place of your site. Also you may configure what type of buttons you will have in this widgets.
  • Mobile Promo Widget - Promote your mobile version with this widget, it adding nice block with link to mobile version.
  • Language Widget how on Facebook - put all available languages in footer area, that users can select. It has more buttons too and show popup with all languages on your site (similar to Facebook). Admin can control how many languages will show up above the button.

Demo Links

(test user: pass: 123456)

Compatible versions

 Starts with socialengine 4.2+ (has been tested with 4.9 and latest version of socialengine!)


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