SocialGames 4.9

Price 60 $
Do you want your audience to come back to your site? Visitors spend a little time on your site? We have the answers and it's Games! Games occupy 50% of the time each user of social networks. Goodgamestudios and Kongregate online games + good interface + low price do this module must have!


  • All games of Goodgamestudios
  • All games of Kongregate
  • Featured games (sets in admin panel)
  • Favourites games
  • Game categories
  • Ordering by latest,most played, most viewed
  • Similar games widget
  • Users who played widget
  • Profile games widget (which game already played)
  • Top Players widget
  • Activity feed notification (user start play this game)
  • Play random game
  • Active/disactive game
  • Comment, Like, Share
  • Members level settings
  • Standart socialengine css classed (works good on any custom template)

Demo Links

(test user: pass: 123456)

Compatible versions

 Starts with socialengine 4.2+ (has been tested with 4.9 and latest version of socialengine!)


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