Creative Template 4.9

Price 50 $
Our new product continues category of trending full width templates. Creative have 3 columns structure, with custom left and right columns with unique widgets. Many settings in admin panel make this template very flexible and customizible. Dark/Light left/right column, Any main color, Multilanguage, complies with the standards of socialengine, Clean code, redesigned all things of old design socialengine in 1 creative template. Buy it now and will install it for free!


  • Creative design
  • Full width template
  • Unique left and right column with custom widgets
  • Dark/light/any color left column
  • Dark/light/any color right column
  • Trending home page design:
  • Slideshow (admin manage slides, order, active/disable feature, caption, description)
  • Features block
  • Grid gallery block (based on albums module)
  • Signup title button block
  • Best users (ordering users by friends+views+count comments+count posts)
  • All phrases transatable
  • Scroll to top feature
  • Admin editable Main site color (green color->any color)
  • Unique main menu (many settings)
  • Advanced Notification widget
  • Social icons in left column (configuring in admin panel)
  • Redesigned standart popup window
  • Forms style and many icons of standart socialengine changed
  • Admin editable home page all things
  • Many settings in admin panel of template
  • Font awesome integration
  • Free installation service

Demo Links

(test user: pass: 123456)

Compatible versions

 Starts with socialengine 4.2+ (has been tested with 4.9 and latest version of socialengine!)


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