Metro Template 4.7.1

Price 39 $
Want something new and refreshing? How about Full-width template for SocialEngine social network? 7 Different colors included with changing in admin panel! We made new outstanding one - "Metro Template"! Flexible settings and great quality, many custom widgets and modern style of all HTML elements! Free upgrades and life-long support!


  • 7 colors (blue,orange,purple, green,teal, red, black)
  • Fully customized landing page
  • Full width design
  • Presentation youtube video
  • Popular members widget
  • Facebook likebox widget
  • Sign Up widget on home page
  • Customized user menu with settings in Admin Panel
  • Dashboard super menu with many options
  • Online friends widget
  • Font-awesome icons for left column
  • Changed many html elements into metro style.

Demo Links

(test user: pass: 123456)

Compatible versions

 Starts with socialengine 4.2+ (has been tested with 4.9 and latest version of socialengine!)


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