Dating system 4.9.4

Price 1300 $
Updated 08.02.2017: Now works without gift plugin, fixed some design issues. Want to build up Dating network with ultrawide functionality like TopFace.Com or similar one? Behold our new module specially made for Dating networks. In the list of functions: Mutual Likes, Gifts, Dating photos, Ajax searching and any fields searching, Highlighing members widgets and many more in this great module. High quality and fanatically fast support for this product is guaranteed! Also can be used as Advanced members page.


  • Ajax based users searching Browse page
  • Like/Reject feature with notification
  • My likes page
  • Who like me page
  • Mutual like
  • Already viewed
  • Search users widget
  • Dating photos
  • Ajax uploading
  • Profile dating photos widget
  • Privacy settings for searching your profile
  • Plugin Gift included on Dating plugin price -
  • Admin manage photos
  • Admin manage settings
  • Admin likes manage
  • Admin member levels settings
  • Paid features for Highlighting widgets (plugin emoney required)
  • Horizontal highlighting users (plugin emoney required)
  • Vertical highlighting users (plugin emoney required)
  • Better used with our new plugin Guests -

Demo Links

(test user: pass: 123456)

Compatible versions

 Starts with socialengine 4.2+ (has been tested with 4.9 and latest version of socialengine!)


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