Guest 4.9.0

Price 200 $
Guests is important feature of each social network, and what about profiles which i visited already? We have prepared plugin guests, which allow to see guests, visited profiles, guests newsletters, Realtime popup notification with custom design from admin panel.


  • Guest widget
  • Visited profiles widget
  • New guests newsletter with selecting periods
  • Real time popup notification (change background, text color)
  • Guest,visited widgets on profiles
  • 3 days, week, month, All time filters on profiles widgets
  • 3 days, week, month periods for guests newsletter
  • Privacy setting for unsubscribe for newsletter

Demo Links

(test user: pass: 123456)

Compatible versions

 Starts with socialengine 4.2+ (has been tested with 4.9 and latest version of socialengine!)


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