No one network can survive without advertisement. If you search for a easiest and most effective way to give your members to advertise their content - our Social Ads plugin for you.
Members can advert any of their content or external URL, targeting ads for a specific layer of users of your network. Targets support all possible user fields. Admin can specify cost of ads for clicks, views and some period of a time. Easy management and statistics which can exports throught Web page or CSV files.
Create ads for users content
Create ads for a external URL
Specify targeting
Payable ads (E-Money required)
Cost for a clicks, views and period of a time
Featured ads
Widgets with ads can be places in any place of a site by simple Block Ads instrument
Simple plugin, which allow your users to add some favourite pages, into special tab. Which available on the right or left column (based on settings), also we allow to customize all colors of this glo...
SocialEnginePro Core module is Free module for socialengine and is required for all our plugins. It contains the functions needed to run our plugins and for ease viewing and upgrading our products.
Modern full page preloader animation with 30 unique design based on css3 and html 5. Included colors and backgrounds customization and Random feature, which will select from 30 design options.
Check ...
Guests is important feature of each social network, and what about profiles which i visited already? We have prepared plugin guests, which allow to see guests, visited profiles, guests newsletters, Re...