I love metro Template 4.9

Price 39 $
Want to change your SocialEngine beyond recognition? Tired of sad gray color? You should to Say hello to bright "I love Metro" template. Unique design based on metro style, Autocomplete search, Advanced notifications as facebook, 2 different home pages, 15 metro styles, Scroll to top feature and etc functions will give your site new wave of users. Very very focused on details. We can say, it is our Best template at all Time!


  • Unique design based on metro style
  • 2 home pages (activated with one click)
  • Autocomplete search (based on standart plugins with additional info: count likes, count comments, count views)
  • Advanced notifications (Friends, Messages, Others notifications)
  • Scroll to top (enable/disable in admin panel)
  • 15 Metro colors
  • Unique main menu (many settings)
  • Unique new item menu (configuring in admin panel)
  • Twitter widget integration
  • Social icons (configuring in admin panel)
  • Redesigned standart popup window
  • Slideshow widget (PSD of slides included)
  • Welcome widget
  • Signup widget
  • Recent blogs widget
  • Recent video widget
  • Recent photos widget
  • Main Features widget
  • Popular users widget
  • Forms style and many icons of standart socialengine changed
  • Admin editable main features block
  • Many settings in admin panel of template
  • Font awesome integration
  • Well documentated (6 pages of documentation with styles customization explanation)
  • Free installation service

Demo Links

(test user: test@mail.com pass: 123456)

Compatible versions

 Starts with socialengine 4.2+ (has been tested with 4.9 and latest version of socialengine!)


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