SEO. Sitemap 4.9

Price 79 $
Seo Sitemap module allow to setup any title for any page of modules with simple interface and feature for adding subject title and delimiter. Also it works for description and keywords of subject and global site data. Also this plugin adding open graph tags for facebook, meta tags for "twitter cards", and meta tags data for google plus. Allowing to create sitemap from admin panel and notify popular search engines.


  • Change title,description,keywords for any page. (simple interface)
  • Add subject title, description, keywords for meta tags
  • Add delimiter between global title and title of page or subject title (any sign)
  • 3 position between global title and page title for title, description and keywords.
  • Open graph tags for better sharing on facebook.
  • Meta tags for better sharing on twitter (twitter cards)
  • Meta tags for better sharing on google plus
  • Automatically parse current standart page titles
  • Make sitemap from admin panel
  • Notify popular search engines from admin panel with 1 click
  • Download/View sitemap
  • Settings for sitemap
  • Good help documentation (in archive)

Demo Links

(test user: pass: 123456)

Compatible versions

 Starts with socialengine 4.2+ (has been tested with 4.9 and latest version of socialengine!)


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