Blank activity wall? Users are not active? We know how hard it is to grow your social network and come up with a new plugin. Add with 1 click = 2000 users with unique quality avatar. Configure as you want to show online users in a certain period! Virtual users will like, comments and create new posts! Your network to get a new impetus to the growing!
2000 users (man and women) with 200*200 avatars and real name and surname.
Unique 2000 avatars database, which we find manually!
Autoonline options, select period and specify how much users you would like to show.
Auto options: Likes - like random our added user! random posts.
Auto options: Posts - add random text row, which you may edit in admin panel
Auto options: Posts Links - add random text link row, which you may edit in admin panel
Auto options: Actions comment - add random comment text row, which you may edit in admin panel
Auto options: Updating avatar - delete his own avatar, and upload it again, which create 1 new actions with media.
All auto options works only with our 2000 users, not real users!
Not like? delete 2000 users, no problem.
Flexible settings on admin panel.
Help documentation with desciptions of all features plugin!
Powerful tool for user avatar, User can take photo from webcam, from already uploaded photos, Use random funny image (select from the million variation), Upload his own avatar.
This is first step, an...
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This plugin allow users to add online TV and streaming video of broadcasting. There is also a feature to insert a youtube/vimeo videos. This plugin already includes a pack of 37 popular channels! TV p...
Which home page you prefer for your website: old gray world or long trending with some unique blocks? If you select 2, then go to demo of socialtime and buy it immediately, before your competitors not...